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Mirotech Custom PCB test fixtures FCT electronic stress testing mechanical fast loading ICT fixtures canada
Optimize Test Fixtures for Enhanced Reliability and Precision

Test Fixtures

Minimize Expenses by Enhancing Your Product’s Dependability. High-quality results while protecting both the fixture and the unit under test.

Linear collapse pcb test fixtures manufacturers in Ontario, Canada Mirotech
UUT Unit under test
deep tray test fixtures
pcb testing

Experts in PCB Testing

electronics burn in rack for burn in test


“This fixture allowed our customer to achieve full functional test with a very low capital investment. They were able to save more than 50% on their previous test setup. The reliability has far exceeded their expectations and expect to use this system as a corporate standard at multiple world wide locations.”

Mark Wood, CEO, Microart Services Inc.


FCT fixtures for assembly line production

“The test fixture kits arrived safely and are fantastic!  The color logo puts them at a whole new level!”
Joe Davenport, Design Engineer

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